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Class : Unique


Before Liberation

Normal Attack : Deals 211% damage

    Skill 1 : Deals 400% damage, recovers HP based on the damage dealt, has a high chance to stun the enemy, and poisons (undispellable) the enemy

    Skill 2 : Deals 420% damage, increases self ATK (15%), Crit (30%), and Crit DMG (30%), and has a high chance to weaken (30%) (undispellable) the enemy


After Liberation

    Normal Attack : Deals 274% damage

    Skill 1 : Deals 560% damage, recovers HP based on the damage dealt, stuns and poisons (undispellable) the enemy

    Skill 2 : Deals 570% damage, increases self ATK (15%), Crit (30%), and Crit DMG (30%), and weakens (30%) (undispellable) the enemy


Weapon Skill []

    Realm Stat :

    Skill 3 : Deals 450% damage, increases self Dodge (50%) (undispellable), and gets invulnerability effect


Assist Skill

    Active Assist : Deals 380% damage, increases self Crit (30%), gets invulnerability effect, and removes all self debuffs

    Passive Guard : Gets Crit and invulnerability effect


Rank 1 : Pierce +218

Rank 2 : Crit DMG +150

Rank 3 : Activate Liberation

Rank 4 : Deals 13% extra damage to [Skill] class enemy

Rank 5 : Initial Rage +1500

Rank 6 : Crit DMG +225

Rank 7 : Initial Rage +2000

Rank 8 : Deals 13% extra damage to [Skill] class enemy

Rank 9 : Deals 20% extra damage to poisoned enemy

Rank 10 : HP +12500 ; Crit DMG +300

Rank 11 : Extend Liberate duration by 5 sec

Rank 12 : Deals 13% extra damage to [Skill] class enemy

Rank 13 : Final DMG +20%

Rank 14 : Armor +625 ; Crit DMG +375

Rank 15 : Extend Liberate duration by 5 sec

Rank 16 : ATK +500 ; Crit DMG +450


Talent Pill Color : Green

Talent Character : 

Bond List


Final Fusion Sosuke Aizen

Final Fusion Sosuke Aizen

20 Halloween Grimmjow Jeagerjaques_edited

20 Halloween Grimmjow Jeagerjaques_edited

Ao Oni Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Ao Oni Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

4th Fusion Sosuke Aizen

4th Fusion Sosuke Aizen

Arrancar Sosuke Aizen

Arrancar Sosuke Aizen

Ressurection Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Ressurection Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Tier Halibel

Tier Halibel

Yammy Llargo

Yammy Llargo


Umbrella Sosuke Aizen

Umbrella Sosuke Aizen

Umbrella Tier Halibel

Umbrella Tier Halibel

Ressurection Barragan Ruizenban

Ressurection Barragan Ruizenban

Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

Ressurection Ulquiorra Shifar

Ressurection Ulquiorra Shifar

Barragan Ruizenban

Barragan Ruizenban

Umbrella Nanao Ise

Umbrella Nanao Ise

Umbrella Jushiro Ukitake

Umbrella Jushiro Ukitake

Umbrella Shunsui Kyoraku

Umbrella Shunsui Kyoraku

Umbrella Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Umbrella Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Umbrella Nnoitora Gilga

Umbrella Nnoitora Gilga

Umbrella Szayelaporro

Umbrella Szayelaporro

Umbrella Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

Umbrella Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck


21 Halloween Lilynette Gingerbuck_edited

21 Halloween Lilynette Gingerbuck_edited

SP Ulquiorra Shifar

SP Ulquiorra Shifar

Nnoitora Gilga

Nnoitora Gilga

Zommari Rureaux

Zommari Rureaux



Bonded-To List


Final Fusion Sosuke Aizen

Final Fusion Sosuke Aizen

21 Halloween Lilynette Gingerbuck_edited

21 Halloween Lilynette Gingerbuck_edited

20 Halloween Grimmjow Jeagerjaques_edited

20 Halloween Grimmjow Jeagerjaques_edited

Ressurection Barragan Ruizenban

Ressurection Barragan Ruizenban


23 Mecha Ulquiorra Shifar

23 Mecha Ulquiorra Shifar

Umbrella Sosuke Aizen

Umbrella Sosuke Aizen

Umbrella Tier Halibel

Umbrella Tier Halibel


SP Ulquiorra Shifar

SP Ulquiorra Shifar

4th Fusion Sosuke Aizen

4th Fusion Sosuke Aizen

Arrancar Sosuke Aizen

Arrancar Sosuke Aizen

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